CANCARO is governed by an Advisory Board comprised of 9 individuals from the Black Community, representing Educators, Anti-trafficking researchers and specialists, Business Interests, Lawyers, and Human Resource Development personnel.
The Executive Director has responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the organisation. He is supported by 5 individuals, a Director of Human Resources and Legal Affairs, Director of Operations, Director of Programs and Research and Director of Public Relations, Marketing and Fund-raising.
CANCARO is supported by an Executive Assistant/Office Manager and a Project Manager. There are 4 Part-time Staff and 6 volunteers to support the governance structure of the organization.
The Advisory Board meets annually to set strategic objectives, review its mission, vision, objectives and goals, focusing on the commitment to educate at-risk youth, building awareness and reducing the incidences of human trafficking by building a strong collaboration of anti-trafficking support services, advocates and experts in Ontario. The goals are to:
(a) Raise awareness of human trafficking through education targeted programs;
(b) Inform potential victims and victims of trafficking of the resources and services that are available to them through CANCARO;
(c) Use evidence-based research to build an information database to show the scope of human tracking;
(d) Develop strategies to reduce the impact of Human Trafficking and assist its victims;
(e) Partner and collaborate with agencies, advocates and community groups to widen the scope of outreach efforts to end human trafficking
Organizational Chart